Thursday, May 16, 2013

Press Release

05-15-13 – The Revelation of Innovation – This is a new blog that will explore the creative passions of innovative thinkers and celebrate those who refuse to conform to conventionality. It is a tribute to those whose ideas propel us into the future.

Tyler Nadeau attempts to provide his insight and perspective on groundbreaking inventions and discuss where we are today in terms of technological advances. We live in such an opportunistic time, it's only fitting that people’s creative will power is reaching new heights.

In this blog you will find information about the business of inventing, the recent trends of the field, and where it is headed in the future. We live in a time where "crazy ideas" aren't so crazy. The concepts inventors and entrepreneurs are exploring nowadays are mind boggling. The next big thing is always just a "light bulb" moment away. This blog discusses some of these potential moments.

This blog contains interviews with inventors and technology specialists, it has editorials, how to’s, photo galleries and much more. Whether you’re an avid or casual inventor enthusiast you will find something intriguing at this site.

There are serious segments that will make you think and fun sections that will surprise you. It is a good balance between academic pieces and enjoyable, easy to read pieces. The language is easy for any reader to understand and get interested in.

The new technology discussed will leave a reader wanting to explore different topics more thoroughly. You will experience a lot of “what if” moments when reading and this will peak your interest. In some ways, this is a goal of the blog. People don’t realize how technologically advanced our society is becoming. This blog offers insight on this revolution. Visit The Revelation of Innovation to see for yourself.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Maybe One Day..

-Pill that temporarily turns your skin a different color

Nowadays, it seems like everything can be cured with a couple pills. It has reshaped the medicine industry. But rarely do you see any “legal” pills that can be used just for entertainment. What if there was a pill that could temporarily turn your skin a different color? Halloween would be a breeze and you could play tricks on your friends. It would be completely harmless and available at any kind of store. Never would football fanatics have to paint their body the color of their favorite team. They could just take a pill and be good to go for five hours.

-Automatic orange peeler

Maybe I’m the only one, but the amount of time it takes to peel an orange is obnoxious. You can never get it perfectly either. When you take all that time to peel the orange, and it ends up tasting awful, there are few moments in life that are less disappointing than this. What if there was a machine that adjusted to the size of your orange and peeled it in one simple motion. If this invention was created, I guarantee orange sales would go up at least 10%. Part of the reason why people love clementines is that they take 10 seconds to peel. If this became a common kitchen appliance I would be ecstatic.

-Taste bud confuser

What if you could be able to make your vegetables taste like candy and make candy taste like vegetables? No longer would you have to force peas and carrots down your kid’s throat. He/she would eat them with pleasure. You would be able to reap all the health benefits and wouldn’t feel guilty about eating broccoli that taste like chocolate ice cream. It would be a difficult technology to invent, but the idea of it is exciting. America would not have to worry about being an obese nation if you had a chemical or underwent surgery to “rewire” your taste buds. Getting the proper vitamins and minerals would never be easier. The only thing this technology would change would be the taste. All other properties of the food would remain the same. So Oreos would still make you fat if you ate a ton of them, they would just taste bad so you wouldn’t crave them. To have complete control over what tastes good and what doesn’t would be the ultimate innovation.

-Scent capturer

This technology would be challenging to wrap your head around. We can record sound; we can take pictures, but what if we could record smells? The smell of pecan pie at thanksgiving, the aroma of hot dogs at the Ball Park, and lilies in the garden could all be captured and played back whenever you want that specific scent. You could adjust the intensity of the smell and let it “play” for however long you wanted. It is hard to imagine this kind of invention being created in the near future but I’m sure I’m not the only guy who’s thought of it.

-Belt buckle phone charger

Whether you’re in class, on an airplane, or on the subway we’ve all faced the issue of a dead phone. If this invention was pursued no longer would we have to fear the dreaded 5% battery countdown. The belt would have to carry an electrical charge somehow or it could be battery operated. Either way, there has got to be a better way to charge your phone without finding an outlet somewhere. And this is a convenient option.

-Bed getter upper

This invention would leave lazy people everywhere rejoicing. Getting out of bed can be a real challenge. You tell yourself you’re just going to shut your eyes for five more minutes and that becomes 10 and that becomes 15. We’ve all done it. What if there was a device that actually pulled you out of bed? Once you’re out on your feet, half the battle is won and your mornings just got a lot easier.

-Happy tone for crying babies

This invention would be a savior for restless families everywhere. What if there was a certain tone that instantly made babies stop crying. I know it sounds like an impossible fantasy but we have already discovered the potential of what a certain pitch can do. The right frequency can make you drool, can keep away mosquitoes, and can make dogs sit. Why not take this technology a step further? This would take much of the stress out of parenting. It would almost be like a cheat code.

Collegiate Inventors Competition Podcast

The Shock Alarm Bracelet

You have a final at 10 in the morning, and you stay up so late studying that you end up oversleeping..

You miss your final and feel awful about it when you wake up.

What if there was a bracelet that gave you a small electric shock that increased intensity the longer you stayed in bed?

You could go to bed knowing for sure that you will be able to wake up and get out of bed.

The electric impulse will get you up and going on those mornings where you just want to lie in bed forever.

You will be up, "energized," and ready to take the day on.

Never again will you have to worry about oversleeping and missing an important class.

The Collegiate Inventors Competition

Hi Everyone. The point of this podcast is to introduce you to some of the brightest young innovators in our world today and to an event that highlights their talents. I am going to be talking about the Collegiate Inventors Competition. This competition started in 1990 and has been acknowledging college minds across the country for twenty-three years now. It has encouraged hundreds of students to share their efforts and innovations with the world. The inventions are created not just to win a competition, but to benefit the future of our society. This event allows students to present their creative passions and put on display their level of expertise.

Just some background info on the event.. All college students are allowed to enter and the invention can be directed towards science, engineering, technology or any other endeavor. Entries are judged on the uniqueness, creativity, technology and the potential value it has to society. It is split up in two sections: The graduate division and the undergraduate division. In the graduate division, 1st place wins 15,000 dollars. 2nd place wins 12,500 dollars. 3rd place wins 10,000 dollars. In the undergraduate division, 1st place wins 
12,500 dollars. 2nd place wins 10,000 dollars. 3rd place wins 7,500 dollars.

Now I’m going to give credit to the winning inventors from the past couple years:

The most recent winners for the graduate division and undergraduate divisions are Inanc Ortac from the University of California and the team of Leslie Myint, Daniel Peng, Andy Tu, and Stephen Van Kooten from Johns Hopkins University. Ortac created Nano-Wiffle-Balls for cancer therapy. The invention offers a therapeutic strategy based on hiding and protecting immunogenic non-human enzymes from the immune system and their delivery to the target. The Johns Hopkins team developed a product called FastStitch. It is a plier-like device that can drive and transfer a needle across its jaw, intended to provide improved fascia closure during abdominal surgery.

In 2011, the graduate first prize went to Kyle Allison from Boston University. The under graduate winner was the team of Patrick Cassidy, Sean Heyrman, Alexander Johnson, and Anthony Sprangers from the University of Wisconsin. Allison’s invention was the Metabolite-Mediated Elimination of Bacterial Persisters. This invention is a type of therapy that utilizes specific metabolites and the aminoglycoside class of antibiotics to eliminate bacteria.  The University of Wisconsin’s team invented BarrierASAP. This is a thermoreversible fluid that is injected as a liquid and forms a solid gel at body temperature, providing protection to healthy tissue.

One of today’s most booming fields is healthcare and most of the innovations created by these students are related to health sciences. However the variety of inventions is vast. It’s amazing to see our youth contributing in such a monumental way.

For more information on the competition or previous winners and their inventions, visit

Awesome Invention Collection Gallery

Baby Mop

Slipper Broom and Dust Pan

Butter Stick

Dry Bench Rotator

Portable Fish Bowl

High Heel Training Wheels

Anti-theft Lunch Bag

Hamster Operated Shredder

Stair Drawers

Clear Toaster

Pen Utensils

Check this out! Best of the Best Unusual Inventions

This is just a couple sites that have some pretty interesting inventions that cover a variety of uses and purposes.